Create your first webhook url Integrate with LemonSqueezy Integrate with RevenueCat Integrate with PayPal Integrate with Shopify Integrate with Mailchimp Integrate with WooCommerce Integrate with Commerce Layer Integrate with Pipedrive Integrate with Kiwify Integrate with EasyPost

Integrate WebhookBeam with PayPal

1. First, create your webhook URL in our WebhookBeam app, and then copy it (check Create your first webhook URL).

2. After setting up your PayPal account, navigate to and click on the 'Apps & Credentials' tab. Then, choose your app.

Image 1

3. On the App page, scroll down until you see the 'Webhooks' section. Click on 'Add Webhook'.

Image 2

4. Place the webhook URL that you created in step 1.

Image 3

5. Select the event you want to receive (e.g., Customer payout).

Image 4

6. Click Save.

Image 5
Image 6

7. To test the webhook URL, hover over the 'Testing Tools' tab, select 'Webhook Simulator', set the webhook URL, choose the event, and then click 'Send Test'.

Image 7

8. You will receive a push notification on our WebhookBeam app.

Image 8